Sunday, July 15, 2007

Promise Keepers

I had the great joy to go to Promise Keepers with my dad and my father-in-law.  The conference was pretty good, and there were several points that I took away from the handful of speakers.
   A. Men avoid honest relationships of accountability with other men because:
      1. they don't want to upset the status quo (laziness)
      2. they want to maintain their image (pride)
   B. You need another man to grow in faith together
   C. "Ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity."
   D. The two earthly things that will impact your life the most in the next five years are:
      1. your friends (Who are you hanging with?)
      2. the books you read (What are you reading?)
   E. It does not matter how long I live, but how I live.
2. Brad Stein - Wussification
   A. Males need to stand up and be MEN!
   A. Woman
      1. created by God
      2. made from man, for man (helper)
   B. God's vision for Adam was to be in charge of the Garden before Eve was created.
      1. What is God's vision for your life, marriage, and family?
      2. Are you leading your wife into God's vision for your family?
      3. Are you leading your wife (and children) to grow spiritually?
   C. We submit to Christ and follow His leadership so that when she submits to us, she is really submitting to Christ.
I came away from this event with two practical tasks:
1.  I need to be leading my wife (and children someday) to the vision that God has given me for our family.  I will accomplish this through praying, reading the Bible, and openly communicating with my wife about how God is leading me each day.
2.  I need to be systematically meeting with an accountability partner each week that will challenge me to grow in my relationship with Christ Jesus.
Heavenly Father, thank you for speaking to me at Promise Keepers.  Lord, I pray that you will help me be the spiritual leader that you want me to be.  Please help me be consistent in prayer and daily Bible reading with my wife, and please help me be open and honest with her as you work in my life so that she can trust me that I am following you whole heartedly.  Lord, please help me develop an accountability partner that is what you want.  I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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