Thursday, July 5, 2007

seeing Christ in the Scriptures

I met with some Brothers today, and we had a great discussion.  One Brother shared how he is reading Song of Solomon now, and he sees the books from Solomon in the following light:  Proverbs sets the ground rules for wisdom, virtue, and righteousness; Ecclesiastes explains how the personal pursuit of anything in this world (including wisdom et al) boils down to vanity and is eternally worthless; but Song of Solomon explains how the relationship with Christ gives us joy.  It's kind of like the Old Testament and the New Testament - the Law shows us what righteousness is and that we don't measure up, and the mercy and grace explained in the NT gives us hope of a relationship with the Father through the Son.
What I really appreciated about meeting with these Brothers today was that they weren't puffed up with themselves, and they had a simple focus of finding Jesus in the Scriptures.  It's all about Him.  It is so easy to make it about us.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the refreshing focus on Christ Jesus today.  Jesus, I pray that you will help me know you and enjoy my relationship with you instead of focusing on self-righteousness.  Lord, please teach me to love other people from a genuine overflow of my heart.  God I praise you because I know that you are already working this out in my life.  May you be glorified in my life, and may you strike down my pride and humble me - truly for your glory.  I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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