Sunday, February 25, 2007

King of the Jews

John 19

As I read about Jesus's treatment before Pilate and the Jewish leaders' antagonizing, I am reminded that He was in control the whole time. He willingly laid down His life; no scheme of man or evil did triumph over my Lord. No, it was God's perfect plan that He shed His own blood for my soul - the Life of the Creator substituted for the Death of the creation. And now, my response - that I trade my life for His atoning Death. I don't think you can read the Passion account with all of the fulfilled prophecies and not remember Isaiah 53. (As I am writing this, I heard a song on the radio by David Nasser called "By His Wounds," which is directly from Isaiah 53, followed by a song by Michael W. Smith called "Lord Have Mercy.") It is so powerful to know that it was planned and that Christ completely obeyed the Father.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the suffering you experienced, and thank you for giving your life as a ransoming sacrifice for mine. I echo the words, "Lord have Mercy on me." I trust you, Christ Jesus, with my life and eternal salvation. I pray that you will continue to make me wholly thine. Amen.

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