Tuesday, January 13, 2009

the good life

Psalm 13, Proverbs 13

At prayer breakfast this morning, one of my Brothers told us that his boss sent an email two days ago to the whole office with this ultimatum: either you resign by noon Tuesday and get two months pay, or take a pay cut and get no severance pay if your job is soon terminated. 

I finally realized that there is some truth to the "recession" that the media has been so obsessed about recently, and that I am quite sheltered from these effects as a graduate student.  The Lord has blessed my wife and me with stable incomes, for which I am very thankful.  I need to be more thankful; I so often and so completely take three square meals, clothes, shelter, friends, and vocation for granted.

Psalm 13:5 But I trust in your unfailing love.
      I will rejoice because you have rescued me.
 6 I will sing to the Lord
      because he is good to me.

Proverbs 13:9 The life of the godly is full of light and joy ...

He is so good to me!  I don't understand why He is so good to me.  I know that it is not because of anything that I've done; it is strictly grace!  My life is full of light and joy because of the Lord Jesus Christ!  Why can't everyone experience His grace?

Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace.  I am humbled by your mercy and kindness.  Lord, you provide for me and bless me beyond what I understand; yet, I am often unappreciative and guilty of contempt.  Lord, please forgive me and humble me.  I pray that I will see the sweetness of your love and radiate the light and joy of your presence.  I pray that others will see the good life that flows from your Holy Spirit.  I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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