Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Christ and the Church

Psalm 50, Song of Solomon 1-4

I read this verse as I was enjoying the sunrise this morning:

 50:1 The Mighty One, God, the LORD,
       speaks and summons the earth
       from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets.
 2 From Zion, perfect in beauty,
       God shines forth.

The Song of Solomon is a story of Solomon and his bride, which is a poetic structure of the Husband and the Wife, which is a type of Yahweh with Israel and Christ with the Church.  Here we find clear pictures of Christ:

 2:1 I am a rose of Sharon,
       a lily of the valleys.
 2 Like a lily among thorns
       is my darling among the maidens.
 4 He has taken me to the banquet hall,
       and his banner over me is love.

As I was considering this parallel to Christ, I thought of Christ's justifying work at Calvary and the subsequent sanctification and glorification of the church:

4:6 Until the day breaks
       and the shadows flee,
       I will go to the mountain of myrrh
       and to the hill of incense.
 7 All beautiful you are, my darling;
       there is no flaw in you.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your infinite love.  Thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ who loves me without end, who gave up His own life for me that I could be reconciled to you and have a relationship with you.  I pray that I will be drawn to a closer walk with you, and that my devotion to you will honor you.  I pray that you will sanctify me and work through me as you sanctify the Church.  I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Beloved, whose banner over me is love.  Amen.

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