Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The LORD speaks

First of all, I love it that God answers Job at all; He didn't have to, but He chooses to reveal Himself to us.  Second, I think it is very interesting that the LORD speaks to Job in a storm/whirlwind (38:1, maybe referring to Elihu's final comments).  It contrasts the story with Elijah in 1 Kings 19:9-13 where God was in the whisper, not in the storm.
When we were studying Abraham and Sarah in Sunday school a few months ago, I asked the question, "How is Sarah disciplined for doubting the Lord's prophecy, but Abraham is not disciplined in Genesis 15?" My friend Jon explained that while we may be able to read the peoples' words, we cannot see their hearts.  God knows people's motives, so we must look carefully at the way the LORD responds to each person to understand his/her heart.  Here, sadly, Job is rebuked for arrogant ignorance, not commended for faith.
Finally, I appreciated reading about how the LORD takes care of all the other stuff that goes on in this world around me.  I am so egocentric.  I am so selfish.  God has a master plan through the whole world for all of time.  I need to stop thinking about me so much and more about getting on board with Him.
Heavenly Father, I help me seek first your Kingdom and your Righteousness.  Lord, I know that you are sovereign and omniscient.  I want to obey you.  Lord, please use me to reach others for your namesake.  Lord, help me think about you more and me less.  Lord, please share with me your agenda and show me how I fit into your big picture.  I pray that you will grow me, mature me, humble me, and guide me.  I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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