Wednesday, January 30, 2008

meeting with Pastor

I had a wonderful meeting with the Pastor of our congregation this afternoon.  I posed a couple of theological questions and a few practical/lifestyle questions.  He confirmed several of my theological conclusions, which I believe are now not regurgitated doctrines, but internalized, tested, and approved.  To be academically honest, I momentarily suspended the beliefs taught to me as a child and tested them against Scripture, and I feel like, even though what I now believe is very similar to what I was taught, it is genuinely "my own" theology, in as much as anything could be "mine".
The main point that I came away with regarding the practical questions of financial and time stewardship is that we must keep a balance, closely in-tune with the Holy Spirit.  We must live our lives in awareness and appreciation of the presence of God.  The passage he directed me to was 2 Timothy 2:15-22 about working to live a life of purity and approval of the LORD (which is another confirmation in itself - I chose 2 Timothy 2:22 as the mission statement verse for the Bible Life Group we started a few weeks ago!).
Praise the LORD for Pastors who care for the people in their flock.  Praise the LORD for speaking through His Scriptures and His servants.  Praise the LORD!

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