Friday, January 18, 2008


Today's reading included several events in Abram's life that were not only huge to him at the time, but are still monumental for us today.  For instance:
God reveals Himself to this bum from Chaldea (Abram), tells him to go to Canaan, and gives him a seven-fold blessing (which is evangelical in itself).  What does Abram do?  He obeyed.  Wow!  How simple - God tells you to do something, and you do it! 
Lot (Abram's nephew) gets picked on by some bad guys, and Abram gets some of his buddies to go with him to take care of Lot.  As they're coming back, this King of Salem (Jerusalem, Peace) named Melchizedek comes out of nowhere and blesses Abram.  What really struck me like a gong this morning is that the Scripture says he brought BREAD AND WINE!!! Ding-Ding Ding-Ding Helloooo!  Who else do we know that busted out with some bread and wine at a significant point in His life?  Coincidence?  I think not.
The other pivotal event that I'll mention here is Abram's covenant ceremony with God.  As Abram was motionless in a semi-conscious state, God prophesied of the nation of Israel's bondage in Egypt for 400 years, and then a "smoking firepot and flaming torch" passed between a bunch of chopped up animals (as a symbol of God's unilateral covenant with Abram).
Here's the kicker for me.  Abram was just some dude that God got a hold of.  He is a type of all Christians.  He's minding his own business; God jumps into his life; he believes and obeys; God does all of this really cool stuff in his life.  15:6 And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith.
Heavenly Father, thank you for breaking into my depraved world and yanking me up out of the mess I was in.  Lord, thank you for your Word that has pictures and illustrations of how I'm supposed to live.  Heavenly Father, I know that you have blessed me through Abram, in fulfillment of your covenant to Him.  You always keep your promises.  You are so gracious and kind; You are so merciful.  I am humbled that you have rescued me.  I pray that I will live my life in devoted service to you and that you will receive all of the glory for your amazing work in my life.  Jesus, thank you for your body and blood that are the bread and wine of the New Covenant.  I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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