Tuesday, March 13, 2007

speech and criticism

Proverbs 13, Matthew 13, Acts 25, Acts 26

As I read Proverbs 13 with my wife this morning, we were drawn to focus on the verses emphasizing the substance of your speech and how you take advice and criticism. According to Christ's teaching, your words are an indication (an overflow) of your heart. As I think about this, I realize that I am usually very critical, probably because I am an engineer by trade. However, as a Believer in Christ, I must allow Him to speak encouraging things through me instead of being so pessimistic and critical. I need to be less concerned with giving criticism and more concerned with taking criticism.

Accepting advice and criticism is only possible when demonstrating humility. As we know, the Lord gives grace to the humble, but He stiff-arms the proud (He holds them at a distance.) Accepting criticism is acknowledging that you don't know everything and that you need help. This is the attitude God wants us to have.

Heavenly Father, thank you for opening my eyes to my critical and sometimes negative speech. I confess that this is not what you want from my heart. Please change me from the inside so that I will honor and glorify you in all I say. Please help me listen to wise advisers and accept criticism so that I can grow into the man you want me to be. Amen.

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